🔴 journals must be ooc and may not contain underscores or numbers.

🔴 your character is allowed to have any sort of job that you'd like to give them, as long as they are also a streamer on twitch. casual streamers with "regular" day jobs, partnered streamers who stream as their fulltime job, and anything in between is allowed, whether they stream video games, art creation of any kind (including music), or they are an irl streamer - or any combination of the aforementioned.

🔴 there is no set location, so you're free to base your character literally anywhere that you'd like - any city, any country!

🔴 before applying, be sure to have both a backdated friends only post and a screened post with your character info listed. basic info like name, age, location, as well as what sort of content your character streams (gameplay, art, music, etc.) and any facts you'd like to establish is all that is required, but you're welcome to put together a longer bio if you'd like!

🔴 once accepted, be sure to make a post of any kind - a typical intro, lyrics, an instagram post, etc. - and respond to at least half of the comments within 48 hours, otherwise you will be removed.

🔴 the update requirement is one post a month, whether it's a typical blog style entry, a social media post, a random/lyric post, a style or a narrative. there will be activity checks as needed and the only requirements for those will be an up to date friends list and a comment to let us know you're still interested in being a member!

🔴 any questions you may have can be dropped off here in our dropbox. any pb changes and hiatus/extension requests can be dropped off here. comments to both posts are screened for privacy!